Disclosure: I paid for this cleanse. Post contains affiliate links.

When I was still working a corporate job, I signed up for and spent three days on a Pressed Juicery Cleanse. I was interested in doing a detox and since they delivered to the office, I thought “SIGN ME UP! I don’t have to drive to West Hollywood or god forbid, Beverly Hills? Hell yeah!” There were about 20 of us who decided to give this a go.
Note: I was interested to see what a juice cleanse was supposed to do for me. I didn’t expect any weight loss or use it as a diet mechanism.
The one thing that concerned me was being cut off from coffee. Yikes.
This is Pressed Juicery:
- LA-based home office with three founders
- cold-pressed juices (veggies, roots, fruits)
- delivered to your door (or you can get them shipped or pick them up yourself)
- different levels of cleanses to match your newbieness

Day 1
I chose the first level – Cleanse 1. Day 1 was fine. You’ll see that all of my bottles were labeled since there were 20 of us doing it and fridge space was valuable. The bottles also come numbered, so that was way helpful to figure what was next. I felt hungry around lunch time, but had a bottle to stave off hunger. By the time I got home, I still had three bottles to down. I learned that I should have loaded up in the morning and late morning, and not try and “save” the bottles for later.
Lesson 1: Drink when you’re hungry.

The chlorophyll and aloe water bottles are extra. You get your 6 and plus 2 more to hydrate throughout the day. Let me tell you – these two were not very tasty. It was hard to get through them. I had two leftover bottles because they were so hard to drink.
Lesson 2: Hydrate with aloe or chlorophyll waters throughout the day.
Day 2
Day 2 was the worst. I felt crappy and hungry. I was tempted to grab a pancake somewhere and shovel it in my mouth. The Wife, however, pointed out that I only had 48 hours left. Good man, The Wife. Did I mention that these three days of cleansing were during weekdays?
Lesson 3: Plan this out on days when you don’t have a lot of work meetings.

Here’s a plus about Pressed Juicery: I was not a fan of one of the Greens I had ordered, so I called them and switched it up to something else, even though I only had one more day of cleanse left. In my experience, once you’re locked into a cleanse or order, businesses usually don’t let you change up your order. Pressed Juicery did. I changed a Green for another Green, and I switched my plain yummy almond milk to chocolate almond milk! There was no argument; they just switched it with no comment.
Big bonus points to them for doing this!
That evening, I had a meeting with a colleague and brought a bottle with me for dinner. (Ie. long day.) My colleague, well versed in cleansing, was nice enough to not order any food but a juice at the restaurant. (And that’s why I love her!)
Just so y’all know, by the end of Day 2, I was cranky and hungry. I’m sure people joke about brain power loss, but there wasn’t any of that because there was no time to lose brain cells. Work is work, and it was go go go all day. Again, I had leftover chlorophyll and aloe to drink that night, and I did what I could to finish them.

Day 3
On Day 3, things were a bit different. I felt better. I still felt hungry around late morning – I realized I wasn’t pacing myself correctly. I should have drunk at least two bottles by 10am and two more by noon. Instead, I stretched them out too long.
Lesson 1 (again): Drink when hungry. Do not hoard the bottles.
On the next day post-cleanse, I took it easy with food. I did have egg whites and soyrizo and coffee. Pressed Juicery recommends you eat stuff like soup and simple food so your body gets used to solids again. For the next few days, I felt pretty good. I don’t know if that was a result of the cleanse, the placebo effect, or both.
Either way, I’m glad I tried it. Did my body “reset?” I’m not sure.
One more thing about customer service: They mistakenly double-charged my credit card. I sent PJ an email detailing the order number and which corporate account I was with. Within a day, they responded back and reversed the charges. While I’d rather not be double-charged for anything, I’m satisfied with the way things went down through their customer service department.
Final Thoughts
Overall, my first juice cleanse experience was a positive one. I found my energy level to be relatively even, and I was more aware of what I was eating. My coffee intake is once a day, in the mornings. I’m conscious of whether or not I’ve had vegetables in my meals. Since the cleanse, I’ve been blending greens to make my own smoothies to keep up fruits and vegetables intake daily. I now own a Nutribullet (won from a giveaway) and a Vitamix!
I found the cost to be fair for a three-day delivery. Looking back, I don’t think it is possible or healthy to do this while pregnant and/or nursing. I’m unsure if another cleanse is really necessary for my gut health. Instead, I would consider adding smoothies as a complement to my meals.
There are arguments for both juicing and blending smoothies. It’s up to you what you think is best for you.
Juicing or Blending At Home
If you want to juice at home, I found a couple of machines that have high marks on Amazon. Here’s the highly rated Omega Juicer. Then there’s the one (Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor) that Joe Cross used in the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. (You should stream this! I was amazed at Joe’s transformation and blown away by Phil’s story.) Pour your freshly pressed juice into glass bottles to take with you and you won’t have to deal with plastic.
Now if you’re not into juicing but want to start making smoothies, I’d recommend the Vitamix, the Blendtec, or less expensive Nutribullet! I like all three machines because they’re powerful and their blades are not sharp. I’ve watched the Ninja infomercials but beware that the blades are sharp when you take them out to wash.
Disclosure: I paid for this cleanse – this is not a sponsored post, but does contain affiliate links.
Just wondering what to expect… Should I plan on being home when I do the cleanse? Or should I do it in work days? Does it give you so upset stomache and distress? I would rather plan on being home if I’m gonna embarrass myself on the work toilet all day…..?! Please advise! Thanks!
Hi! I did the cleanse while I was at work, and I think that while I was super grumpy the first couple days, it was a good idea for me because work kept my mind off having to drink juices every few hours. Now your experience might be different – I had a desk job – so I bet that helped bc I wasn’t on my feet all the time, with physical/manual labor. HOwever if you think you’re going to not make it, then maybe the way to go is to start on Saturday – so your first two (worst) days are on the weekend and your third day is at work on Monday?
What about headaches from no caffeine? That’s my biggest concern!
Honestly I was reeling from the lack of caffeine. I drink coffee at least once a day, nursing my coffee during my morning commute. I don’t think I experienced headaches but I know I was very cranky.
So can you actually lose weight after you’re finish with the 3 day cleanse and if so how much???? just wondering.. b/c that would be my main reason for doing it.. thanks
HI! I think any weight loss from this would only be water weight. I wouldn’t recommend a juice cleanse to lose weight. This was for me to reset my digestive system. Thank you for reading!
Am I allowed to say that I laughed reading your C LAM label and thought at first that you were drinking clam juice on your juice cleanse?
I enjoyed the article..I’m thinking about giving it a try. This helped with my decision.
Hi Molly! The discount code expired back in 11/30/13. Check with Pressed Juicery – they may have a new special!
For me, it was to clear my gut. It is possible that it was a placebo effect, but in the end, I did feel good.
Months later, I realized that pressed juices were just a really great way for me to get my veggies in. Especially when the thought of eating more salad or raw vegetables didn’t sound appetizing at all!
I just order my three day… very excited to give it a try. I have never tried the bottled juices, but it is certainly easier (and potentially cheaper) than making all these juices on my own. Thanks for sharing the discount code as well.
Sweet! Hope you report back on your process and results! (Glad to help out w a discount!)
I have done several cleanses now and I have to say that you begin to get used to them the more you do them. The first time I did one i felt so ill but now I feel great when I do them. I am sure your body cleared out junk. You basically give your digestive system a rest for 3 days. It is a very powerful thing to do!
Like Erin, I found this a really helpful account of a juice cleanse – from the taste of the drinks to how you feel, energy level, and all. This seemed like a great way to try it, doing it as a group for support and for a short time. You’ve convinced me. Especially after seeing the chocolate-flavored juice option! (Though I did pause when I saw the first photo; until I realized you’d written your name on your bottles, I thought all the juices were “CLAM” flavored….blecchhh!)
I love your very honest review of this cleanse!! I’ve always been very hesitant and skeptical of trying a cleanse out my self!! I don’t know if I’d be able to stick with it… especially if I can’t stand the taste of the liquids we’re supposed to be taking for it. lol 😉
@Erin, You can do iiiiiit! If there’s a juicery near you, try some samples so you can decide which bottles you to order for your cleanse! Shall we try to ask for an SCLB special? 🙂