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The best way to be sustainable is use whatever you have on-hand. Then reuse if possible.
If you’ve finished that bottle of hand soap or are ready to swap plastic Tupperware for eco-friendlier containers… here are some ideas. It’s currently Prime Day on Amazon and some of these brands have great products to switch with.
I just purchased my first beeswax wrap at the local craft fair in my city. It’s sticky! There definitely is a learning curve. My wrap is huge and this brand gets you 3 sizes, which is nice. You could wrap a sandwich, cover a couple of bowls, or maybe cover a cut watermelon.

My friend in Portland introduced me to Swedish dish cloths when I visited years ago. She gifted me one, and I’ve since bought a few more. I have not used this brand personally but have purchased others from craft fairs and farmer’s markets.
These are great for swapping paper towels. I think she used them to wash dishes, but I don’t think that’s the best use for them. I do throw mine in the washing machine.

Natural deodorants have come a long way! This one from Ecoroots is sold in a glass container which you could reuse for random tchotchkes or maybe refill it! I look forward to seeing if Ecoroots is going to sell refills in the future.
If you’re looking to swap out toothpaste, this Cocofloss toothpaste looks promising. I know there are folks who are not into Crest or Colgate but use up what you have first. This one is pricey at $22.
I am in that weird space of figuring out what is doable and swappable for my family and incorporating new habits. I’ve already trained (LOL) my family to separate their food scraps into our organics pail on the kitchen counter. I dump everything in our green bin. I’m not at the home composting stage yet!
I’d love to hear what you’ve got on your swaps list and what you may have purchased during this week. Ping me on social and let me know!